Safer World For All
Did you know that only 0.68% of Australia’s federal budget goes to international aid? As Christians called to love our global neighbours, we know that in a world facing conflict, poverty, and the impacts of climate change, this doesn’t seem right.
Act now for a Safer World for All. Add your name and send an email to your MP. It’s quick, easy, and will make a huge difference!
Take Action
Women Leaders Network
Micah’s Women Leaders Network brings together established and emerging women Christian Leaders from across the Australian Church who have a heart for Biblical justice and the world’s poor.
The network is a point of connection, training and action, equipping women to be engaged in global justice advocacy through high-level meetings with Australia’s federal politicians both in local electorates and in Canberra.
Take actionPacific-Australian Young Leaders Summit
The Pacific-Australian Young Leaders Summit will gather young Christian leaders (22-35 years) from our region in Canberra, for four-exciting days of learning from one another and engaging Australia’s parliamentarians and top regional decision makers. Together, our delegates will help to shape and influence regional decision making towards the priorities of young people and their communities, while building lifelong connections.
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Past Campaigns
Help Fight Famine
49 million people are facing famine due to the conflict in Ukraine and drought in the Horn of Africa. Write to your local MP to push our new government to respond to this urgent crisis.
WIN! Through your support we secured $69m to help fight famine!
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End COVID for all
Micah started the End COVID for All campaign at the outset of the pandemic in 2020 because we knew the health and economic impacts would be felt hardest by the poor.
We built a coalition with support from over 200 of Australia’s leading global health and aid organisations, as well as business, faith, union, tourism, and academic groups, calling upon the Australian Government to do more to support the equitable distribution of aid and vaccines.
WIN! To-date we have seen announcements to provide over $1.5 billion in additional temporary aid and 60 million vaccines to lower income nations.
Take actionChristians United for Afghanistan
When Kabul fell the Australian Church swung into action alongside the Afghan-Australian diaspora. Within weeks, over 16,000 Christians, 300 churches and the leaders of all mainline denominations joined our campaign calling for a special intake of 20,000 refugees from Afghanistan and additional humanitarian assistance.
After meeting with over 20 MPs, dozens of appearances in the media, and ongoing discussions with the Minister for Immigration, we had a victory!
WIN! In March 2022, the Australian Government announced that they will provide an additional 16,500 places for Afghan refugees in Australia over the next 4 years and has committed $140 million in humanitarian assistance across 2021-2024.
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