What happened in the Aid Budget this week?

This week the federal budget was released. Budget’s provide an insight into our nation’s generosity and what we value most.Here’s a video our team has put together with everything you need to know about what was contained in the Aid Budget and why it matters for those living in poverty.

Good News:

  • There is an increase of $117.3 million in this Aid budget, part of an overall increase of $191.8 million over the next four years.
  • The Government has also made a commitment beyond 2026 to continue increasing aid by 2.5%.
  • New investments have also been made in climate resilience and gender equality.

Not so Good News:

  • The generosity of Australia’s aid budget is projected to fall to 0.18% of our Gross National Income (GNI) over coming years, as these small increases fail to keep pace with Australia’s rising wealth and inflation.
  • This means Australia is ranked 27th out of 30 wealthy nations who give aid.
  • Sadly, there was also no additional significant new funding for the Global Hunger Crisis despite our advocacy efforts. You can read our Media Release on this here.

We believe in the importance of Aid now more than ever, as a significant tool to alleviate poverty and injustice and contribute to the stability and peace of our region.

There’ll be many opportunities this year to raise your voice and continue your advocacy on behalf of the world’s poor.