Christmas and the alternative story of the ‘good news’

We have a choice to make this Christmas about which narrative we will find ourselves in. The story of the empire? Or the story of the King who is at home among the broken and vulnerable.

In Luke 2 we read about Caesar Augustus declaring a census that was to take place in the Roman world.

Everyone had to go – there was no option.

For Joseph and Mary, this came at the worst possible time. Mary was heavily pregnant; the travel would have been a huge burden and wearied them both.

But in this place and culture ‘little people’ had to obey the empire – they didn’t have a voice or someone speaking up on their behalf.

Caesar Augustus had placards placed throughout the Roman Empire world declaring the ‘good news’ that ‘Caesar Augustus is Lord’, and that he would bring the peace of Rome.

How different is the story of Jesus.

Christmas is the alternative story of the ‘good news’ proclaimed by Caesar.

It is the Good News that Jesus is the one true Lord, who has brought the peace of the Kingdom of God.

The coming of Jesus looked different to what everyone expected it to. Born into total obscurity, the humblest of beginnings.

Not all what people had in mind for the Son of God would defeat the Roman empire.

This Christmas we have a choice to renew an important decision- which Lord do we bow down to?

Do we bow to the self-proclaimed Lord of the empire? Or do we bow to the one true King?

This is a part of why Micah exists – to remind our political leaders that while we cooperate with them and work with them, ultimately, we serve Jesus – the Lord of the Kingdom of God.

We serve a God who is at home among the broken, the marginalised, the orphaned, the vulnerable and the oppressed.

Voices for Justice three weeks ago was, I believe, a true representation of this Lord and His Kingdom.

I stood in astonishment once again to see over 200 Christians from all walks of life make a journey to Canberra to speak justice for the poor, vulnerable and oppressed.

And as they lifted their voice in Parliament, something remarkable started to happen.

Politicians took notice. There was talk of the visit in corridors and in Party rooms.

Why? Because Politicians were reminded of a different story. A story that challenges them to believe that they are a part of a bigger narrative than just themselves.

They take note because it’s so rare for people to come to Canberra not asking something for themselves but advocating for somebody else who may otherwise not have a voice in the halls of power.

This is Micah at its finest – we find ourselves in the great redemption story of a God who is all about those who don’t hold power in this world but are still made in his ‘imago dei.’

This Christmas, may you renew inwardly your decision to bow to this one true Lord – the Prince of Peace.

Thank you for standing with us this year. There is reason to hope for a wonderful 2020 as together as we act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.

God Bless,

Tim Costello