Extreme poverty is rising for the first time in over 20 years.
people will live in extreme poverty by 2030
people fell into poverty between 2020 to 2023
of all humanitarian needs are increased due to conflict
of the combined income of the richest countries in the world is needed to end extreme poverty ($258 billion)
Extreme poverty is the most severe form of poverty. Someone is considered to be living in extreme poverty if they live on less than $1.90 a day (relative to each country’s monetary value).
Although this is a financial measurement, it is marked by a range of other factors. These include high illness and mortality rates (most of which are preventable), inadequate access to food sources, education, sanitation, healthcare, and safe drinking water. Despite progress on other Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs), the goal to end extreme poverty by 2030 is well off track. This largely due to COVID-19, conflict, and the climate crisis.
Poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon. This includes not merely low income or material deprivation, but also the silencing of voices and the denial of rights, respect and dignity for those living in poverty.
In this way, poverty represents a subversion of the created dignity and worth of those made in God’s image, and a denial of the abundant life which God desires for all. Jesus reveals the deep solidarity which God has with those marginalized and poor, with Jesus saying, “truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”. This reveals to us a clear way in which we can express our love for God, through ensuring that the needs of all people are provided for.

Call on the Australian Government to fight extreme poverty
Through our campaign A Safer World for All, you can call upon the Australian Government to:
Rebuild Australian Aid to help nations reduce poverty and become more stable & resilient
- Increase life-saving humanitarian aid to conflict & hunger hotspots in Ukraine, Myanmar, the Horn of Africa and Middle East.